Pain: what to expect from us if you’re coming in with pain

Chinese Medicine



February 5, 2021

Chinese medicine cupping therapy

Pain: what to expect from us if you’re coming in with pain

Have you ever visited a Chinese Medicine clinic for pain before? Sports injuries, musculoskeletal pain & chronic pain- we see a lot of it. Often seen as a last resort, people come to the clinic seeking help for conditions such as: chronic lower back pain, frozen shoulder, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, neck pain, gynecological pain, migraines, arthritis, knee pain & much more.

When a Chinese Medicine Practitioner addresses a pain condition (especially chronic pain), we look at different aspects of the pain and view it as a symptom of a wider internal pattern. Both the internal pattern associated with the pain, as well as the symptom itself are addressed- with the intention of getting to the root of the problem.

Chinese Medicine practitioners have such a big tool box when it comes to pain, with a variety of techniques and strategies. Depending on the condition and presentation, I will recommend things such as:


You guessed it. Within the acupuncture realm, there are different styles of acupuncture- such as distal needling techniques, local needling & trigger point needling. To practice, acupuncturists in Australia must achieve a university qualification; with thousands of hours of clinical training.


Moxibustion is used to warm a local area, or channel associated with the pain. The aim of using moxa, is to generate warmth and help invigorate blood. This is especially applied in conditions such as sciatica, frozen shoulder, lower back pain and knee osteoarthritis.

Gua-sha & Cupping

Yep! These are often used in the clinic and can help bring blood and qi to the area of pain to help stimulate healing.


This sounds a little scary, but I promise it is not. This device is similar to a TENS machine, however in this case- the electrodes are attached to the needles themselves which are inserted into very specific acupuncture points. I find that using this device helps reduce the treatment course and can be very helpful for athletes and sports injuries.


We have liniments coming out of our ears in the clinic and everyone loves them! They all smell and feel delicious. Different liniments for different types of conditions. At times, we will often recommend a liniment to be used at home between treatments.

Advice, Chinese Medicine Dietary Thoughts & Education

It is my goal to arm you with the necessary education and advice to help manage the pain, deal with flare ups and help prevent further pain in the future.

How many treatments will I need?

This is one of the most common questions that I get asked in the clinic and the answer can be a little difficult to answer. Everyone presents with different symptoms that have been going on for varying lengths of time. It is never my intention to string you along or force you into a specific number of treatments, however I generally advise to expect 4-6 treatments. We evaluate carefully as we go and determine whether you have achieved your goal earlier or whether you may need a few more sessions.

I hope this article provides a little more insight into how we address pain here at Cocoon Acupuncture. If there is a specific condition you would like to know about from the Chinese Medicine perspective, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.


Lead Acupuncturist- Cocoon Acupuncture Drouin

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